报告题目:A Simple Thermodynamic Approach on Fighting Fires With Water Mist Sprays, and Infra Structure Tunnel Fires in Particular.
报 告 人:Carsten Palle,丹麦VID Fire-Kill ApS公司CEO
Biography for Mr. Carsten Palle
Carsten Palle, M.Sc. Mech. Eng. from Technical University of Copenhagen 1980.
Founder, owner & CEO: CPH 2002; VID ApS, VID Fire-Kill ApS, Danish Fire Test laboratories ApS
Carsten Palle has since his graduation from the Technical University of Copenhagen been involved in research and product development. His interest in hydraulics was awaken when he in 1983 was employed and later to become section leader for developments of power hydraulic components at Danfoss A/S, Denmark.
In 1988 he was employed by GW Sprinkler A/S and their owner Angus Fire Armour Ltd. to become their technical manager for their sprinkler business, when Angus was acquired by Kidde, Carsten Palle also became technical manager/vice president for Kidde’s sprinkler activities in USA.
In 2002 Carsten Palle left the Kidde organisation to found and be CEO of the CP Holding group of companies, which today include VID Fire-Kill ApS and Danish Fire Laboratories, and which are among the world leading companies with in the development, testing and manufacturing of water mist systems for fire protection, and the world leaders with in water mist systems operating with low water pressures.
Carsten Palle has in his career been seated ISO and CEN Working Groups for Sprinkler Standardisation, CEN Working Group for Water Mist Standardization, and IMO Fire Protection Committee. Carsten Palle seats the board of directors of the International Water Mist Association.
报 告 人:Carsten Palle,丹麦VID Fire-Kill ApS公司CEO
Biography for Mr. Carsten Palle
Carsten Palle, M.Sc. Mech. Eng. from Technical University of Copenhagen 1980.
Founder, owner & CEO: CPH 2002; VID ApS, VID Fire-Kill ApS, Danish Fire Test laboratories ApS
Carsten Palle has since his graduation from the Technical University of Copenhagen been involved in research and product development. His interest in hydraulics was awaken when he in 1983 was employed and later to become section leader for developments of power hydraulic components at Danfoss A/S, Denmark.
In 1988 he was employed by GW Sprinkler A/S and their owner Angus Fire Armour Ltd. to become their technical manager for their sprinkler business, when Angus was acquired by Kidde, Carsten Palle also became technical manager/vice president for Kidde’s sprinkler activities in USA.
In 2002 Carsten Palle left the Kidde organisation to found and be CEO of the CP Holding group of companies, which today include VID Fire-Kill ApS and Danish Fire Laboratories, and which are among the world leading companies with in the development, testing and manufacturing of water mist systems for fire protection, and the world leaders with in water mist systems operating with low water pressures.
Carsten Palle has in his career been seated ISO and CEN Working Groups for Sprinkler Standardisation, CEN Working Group for Water Mist Standardization, and IMO Fire Protection Committee. Carsten Palle seats the board of directors of the International Water Mist Association.