Miguel Almeida学术报告通知


报告时间:2013年12月10日  9:30-11:30

报告人: Miguel Almeida (University of Coimbra)

报告人:Jorge Rafael Nogueira Raposo(University of Coimbra)

1. SHORT CV (Miguel Almeida)

Miguel Abrantes de Figueiredo Bernardo de Almeida is post-doctoral
researcher in the centre for studies on forest fire of ADAI (Association
for the Development of Industrial Aerodynamics). He has a degree in
Environmental Engineering, MSc in Environmental Policy and Management,
and PhD in Mechanical Engineering – Natural and Technological Hazards,
under the theme "Forest fires propagation by spot fires".

During his career, he has participated in several national and European
projects related to forest fires. Currently he participates in the
project EXTREME – Extreme Behaviour Prediction of a Forest Fire
(PTDC/EME-MFE/114343/2009), he is the delegate of ADAI in the project “
CRISMA: Modelling for Improved Crisis Management
and Preparedness Action" (FP7-SEC-2011.41-1) and he coordinates the
internal project “FireCamp: Fire safety in camping and caravanning

He is author of several presentations of scientific posters and of six
papers in international journals with peer review. He had made several
oral communications and has many publications in proceedings of
scientific meetings with peer review.
Miguel Abrantes de Figueiredo Bernardo de Almeida
ADAI/LAETA, University of Coimbra, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Rua Pedro Hispano, 3030-001 Coimbra, Portugal
e-mail: miguel.almeida@adai.com / miguellmd@yahoo.com

Duration: about 30 minutes

This presentation will be divided into two parts: (1) the Portuguese
Centre for Forest Fires Studies– CEIF/ADAI and (2) spot fires. 

CEIF/ADAI dedicates to the research on forest fires. Its main objective
is the promotion of scientific knowledge of the phenomena related to
forest fire occurrence and spread through the development of research
projects and advanced training activities, as well as with the
participation in pilot projects and cooperation actions involving
operational institutions. CEIF/ADAI owns one of the most important
European laboratories dedicated to forest fires, where the major part of
the investigation of CEIF is developed. In this first part of the
presentation, the main facilities and equipment of this laboratory will
be showed and described.

Spot fires are a very important mechanism of forest fire spread. The
importance of spot fires in Portugal have been increasing in the same
way of the representativeness of eucalyptus stands in Portugal, as this
is one of the species that causes more spotting problems. The studies of
spot fires developed by CEIF/ADAI have divided this mechanism in four
stages: (1) the release of a firebrand, (2) its uplift in the convection
column, (3) the downwind transport of the firebrand, and (4) the landing
of the firebrand in a fuel bed. This part of the presentation will be
focus on a model developed to determine the distance of downwind
transport of a hollow cylindrical bark of eucalyptus and on the
probability of ignition of a fuel bed by several types of firebrands. 

2. CV Résumé (Jorge Rafael Nogueira Raposo)
Jorge Rafael Nogueira Raposo concluded the Masters in Mechanical
Engineering at the University of Coimbra, in 2011 in the field of Energy
and Environment with the thesis named “Study of the Interaction of Fire
Fronts in Forest Fires”. Frequents the Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering
- Natural and Technological Hazards, at the University of Coimbra.  Work
in the area of Engineering, with emphasis in study of the Jump-Fires. In
this moment have a Ph.D. budget from the Portuguese Foundation for
Science and Technology to develop a study about Jump-Fires named “
Extreme Fire Behaviour Associated to Merging of Two Linear Fire Fronts” .
In Research Program of ADAI/CEIF also work in the fields of fire spread,
extreme fire behaviour, converging fronts, modeling of fire behaviour,
spot-fires, crown-fires and fire safety. In his research have
collaboration with the University of New South Wales (Australia),
University of Sassari (Italy), Technical University of Munich (Germany)
among others.  Jorge Raposo has 2 articles published in journals and 4
papers in proceedings of events.

Jorge Rafael Nogueira Raposo
ADAI/LAETA, University of Coimbra, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Rua Pedro Hispano, 3030-001 Coimbra, Portugal
e-mail: jorge.raposo@dem.uc.pt 
Key words: Jump fire, Extreme fire behavior, Forest fires

This presentation focuses on the study of interaction between two fire
fronts that intersect in a single point and make a small angle (?oi)
between them. Quite often forest fires or fire suppression techniques in
which prescribed burning is used, could cause interaction effects
between fire fronts, which may compromise the capability to control the
fire and create a situation liable to trap the lives of the people that
face this phenomenon

The laboratorial experiments carried out show a patterned propagation of
fire that is different from what is obtained in propagation of single
fire fronts or point ignition. The explanation found is that this kind
of geometric configuration creates an amount of energy in the
intersection point, which induces an extremely high propagation speed of
the intersection point due to heat transfer processes by radiation and
convection this phenomena is called “Jump-Fire”.

In this study of the Jump-Fire the parameters as the initial angle
between the fire fronts (?o), the angle of the slope (α) and the type
of forest fuel on the behaviour of propagation of this type of fire it
is pursues. 

It is presented techniques and methodologies adopted to try achieve the
physical explanation of this phenomenon of extreme fire behaviour and
comparison between techniques it was made to standardized new processes
of measurement used the archive the explanation of the Jump-Fire.
