个人履历 中国科学技术大学安全技术及工程博士(2004)
研究方向 空间站等载人航天器火灾发生和控制机理 石油化工等场所压缩空气泡沫灭火技术机理 人工智能在高精准火灾探测中的应用方法
主讲课程 火灾控制技术基础 (课程编号:232085;学时:40/60;学分:3) 现代安全监测技术 (课程编号:SE1520701;学时:60;学分:3)
个人获奖 安徽省科学技术进步奖二等奖 (2021) 安徽省教学成果一等奖(1/5)(2020) 高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(自然科学奖二等)(2017) 教育部新世纪优秀人才计划(2012) 王宽诚育才奖二等奖(2013) 安徽省自然科学优秀论文一等奖(2013) 中国科大首届青年教师教学基本功竞赛二等奖(2012) | 学位/职称 工学博士 中国科学技术大学副研究员 博士生导师
办公室电话 (+86)551 63607119 E-mail: fangjun@ustc.edu.cn |
变重力烟颗粒形谱和光散射信号特征、识别与地面等效方法:空间站应用与发展工程空间科学与应用培育项目,2024.2- ,项目负责人
热辐射场中双层材料板的引燃参数的测试装置及方法,ZL 2023 1 0417705.2,2023-4-29
浮力/动量主控下的燃烧与火焰形态及辐射行为(主题特邀报告), 2017年中国工程热物理学会燃烧学学术年会, 中国南京, 2017-10-13至2017-10-15
[1] S. Tao, J. Fang, L. Hu, Y. Yang, Y. Chen, J. Wang, S.H. Chung, Near-extinction transient behaviors of counterflow nonpremixed flames in a porous spherical burner at very low stretch rate, Combust. Flame 259 (2024).
[2] Y. Zhang, J. Fang, F. Tian, L. Song, A.V. Singh, Upward flame spread over discrete thick fuels under mixed convection flow, Fire Saf. J. 135 (2023).
[3] F. Tian, J. Fang, L. Fang, H.R. Shah, X. Lang, Z. Tian, F. Tang, Experimental study on mass loss mechanism and cooling effect of compressed air foam on fuel surface at different temperatures, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 52 (2023).
[4] S. Tao, J. Fang, Y. Chen, H. Raza Shah, J. Wang, L. Hu, Structure and extinction of methane and propane nonpremixed counterflow flames at extremely low stretch rates in buoyant flowfields, Fuel 353 (2023).
[5] L. Fang, J. Fang, Y. Hu, F. Tian, M. Wang, H.R. Shah, X. Lang, Z. Tian, Experimental study of coupling between the burning behaviors of fuel storage tanks and thin fuel pools, Energy 285 (2023).
[6] Y. Chen, J. Fang, X. Zhang, Y. Miao, Y. Lin, R. Tu, L. Hu, Pool fire dynamics: Principles, models and recent advances, Prog. Energy Combust. Sci. 95 (2023).
[7] Y. Zhang, J. Fang, R. Tu, L. Song, A.V. Singh, Experimental study of the effect of unheated starting segment upon flame spread over solid fuel under forced airflow, Fire Saf. J. 131 (2022).
[8] W. Wang, L. Zhao, J. Fang, Y. Zhang, Upward Flame Spread over Two Parallel Paper Sheets under Reduced Ambient Pressure and Elevated Oxygen Concentration, Combust. Sci. Technol., doi:10.1080/00102202.2022.2109152(2022) 1-19.
[9] W. Wang, J. Fang, L. Zhao, Y. Zhang, J. Wang, Y. Zhang, Unilateral Blow-Off and Periodic Smoldering Holes in Upward Flame Spread Over Thin Charring Material, Combust. Sci. Technol., doi:10.1080/00102202.2022.2152682(2022) 1-26.
[10] F.Y. Tian, K. Wang, J. Fang, H.R. Shah, X.Q. Lang, S.J. Mu, J.J. Wang, J.W. Wang, Suppression Behavior Difference Between Compressed Air/Nitrogen Foam over Liquid Fuel Surface Under Constant Radiation Heat Flux, Fire Technol., doi:10.1007/s10694-022-01332-0(2022).
[11] F. Tian, K. Wang, J. Fang, H.R. Shah, X. Lang, S. Mu, J. Wang, J. Wang, Suppression Behavior Difference Between Compressed Air/Nitrogen Foam over Liquid Fuel Surface Under Constant Radiation Heat Flux, Fire Technol., doi:10.1007/s10694-022-01332-0(2022).
[12] S. Tao, J. Fang, H.R. Shah, L. Yang, Experimental study of N2 and CO2 dilution in CH4 fuel stream with buoyancy-induced low-stretch diffusion flames, Combust. Flame 240 (2022).
[13] X. He, J. Fang, Y. Zhang, L. Zhao, Experimental study of flame spread transition from chemistry to heat transfer controlled regime at sub-atmospheric pressure: The effect of sample width, Process Safety and Environmental Protection 158 (2022) 221-230.
[14] B. Dong, Y. Li, L. He, J. Guan, L. Hu, J. Fang, Z. Wang, Quantification of n-heptane low temperature oxidation products by proton-transfer-reaction mass spectrometry, Combust. Flame 246 (2022).
[15] B. Dong, Z. Hu, Q. Xu, B. Liu, Q. Zhu, J. Guan, C. Liu, Y. Pan, L. Hu, J. Fang, Z. Wang, Improving quantification of hydrogen peroxide by synchrotron vacuum ultraviolet photoionization mass spectrometry, Combust. Flame 242 (2022).
[16] W. Chu, J. Fang, H.R. Shah, Y. Zhang, J. Ji, Effect of Gap and Orientation of Thermal Barrier Plates on Ignition and Downward Crossing Flame Spread Over a Wood Board, Fire Technol., doi:10.1007/s10694-022-01288-1(2022).
[17] Y. Zhang, J. Fang, L. Zhao, H.R. Shah, L. Song, L. Hu, Effect of unheated length on heat transfer in a vertically solid burning, Int. J. Therm. Sci. 160 (2021).
[18] K. Wang, J. Fang, H.R. Shah, X. Lang, S. Mu, Y. Zhang, J. Wang, Research on the influence of foaming gas in compressed air/nitrogen foam on extinguishing the n-heptane tank fire, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 72 (2021).
[19] L. Zhao, Q. Zhang, R. Tu, J. Fang, J. Wang, Y. Zhang, Effects of electric current and sample orientation on flame spread over electrical wires, Fire Saf. J. 112 (2020).
[20] L. Zhao, J. Fang, S. Tao, J. Wang, Y. Zhang, Effects of Ambient Parameters and Sample Width on Upward Flame Spread over Thermally Thin Solids, Fire Technol., doi:10.1007/s10694-020-00987-x(2020).
[21] Y. Zhang, J. Fang, J. Wang, Y. Zhang, L. Song, Lower pressure dripping limits of inclined polyethylene-insulated wires during flame spreading under different oxygen concentrations, Fire Saf. J., doi:10.1016/j.firesaf.2020.103108(2020).
[22] K. Wang, J. Fang, J.W. Wang, S.M. Zheng, J.F. Guan, H.R. Shah, J.J. Wang, Y.M. Zhang, Ignition Delay of Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene Wire Insulation in a Forced Flow Field in Microgravity, Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves 56 (2020) 412-420.
[23] K. Wang, J. Fang, H.R. Shah, S. Mu, X. Lang, J. Wang, Y. Zhang, A theoretical and experimental study of extinguishing compressed air foam on an n-heptane storage tank fire with variable fuel thickness, Process Safety and Environmental Protection 138 (2020) 117-129.
[24] J.W. Wang, J. Fang, J.F. Guan, L.Y. Zhao, S.B. Lin, H.R. Shah, Y.M. Zhang, J.H. Sun, Radiative Fraction and Flame Length of Propane Jet Diffusion Flames in a Crossflow, Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves 56 (2020) 375-382.
[25] S. Tao, J. Fang, L. Zhao, J. Wang, H.R. Shah, L. Yang, Burning characteristics of PMMA with varied stretch rates under stagnation-point diffusion flames, Combust. Flame 220 (2020) 63-72.
[26] S. Tao, J. Fang, L. Zhao, J. Wang, H.R. Shah, L. Hu, L. Yang, Flammability and critical parameters at low oxygen extinction limit of stagnation-point diffusion flames with varied stretch rates, Fire Saf. J. 116 (2020).
[27] S. Tao, J. Fang, Y. Meng, H.R. Shah, L. Yang, Ignition risk analysis of common building material cylindrical PMMA exposed to an external irradiation with in-depth absorption, Construction and Building Materials 251 (2020).
[28] K. Li, J. Wang, S. Luo, Z. Wang, X. Zhou, J. Fang, L. Su, R. Tu, Experimental investigation on combustion characteristics of flammable refrigerant R290/R1234yf leakage from heat pump system for electric vehicles, Royal Society Open Science 7 (2020).
[29] X. He, J. Wang, J. Fang, Flammability limits and near-limit chemistry controlled flame spread over thermally thin paper under sub-atmospheric pressure, Fire Saf. J., doi:10.1016/j.firesaf.2020.103042(2020).
[30] J. Fang, Y. Xue, J. Wang, X. He, Y. Zhang, S. Zhao, Y. Zhang, PE and ETFE wire insulation flame morphologies and spread rates under subatmospheric pressures, Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, doi:10.1177/0892705720904090(2020).
[31] J. Fang, Y. Liu, K. Wang, H.R. Shah, S. Mu, X. Lang, J. Wang, Sooting tendency analysis of oxygenate-diesel blended fuels by the affecting indicators of carbon number, oxygen content and H/C ratio, Fuel, doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2020.119789(2020).
[32] Y. Zhang, J. Fang, J.W. Wang, L.Y. Zhao, Y.M. Zhang, Ignition and flame spread over thermal aging electrical wires in subatmospheric pressure, Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, doi:10.1177/0892705719866868(2019).
[33] Y. Zhang, J. Fang, J. Wang, L. Zhao, Y. Zhang, The effects of angular orientation and ultraviolet aging on ETFE wire flame spread, Fire Mater. 43 (2019) 393-400.
[34] J. Wang, J. Fang, L. Zhao, J. Guan, Y. Zhang, J. Sun, L. Hu, Sooting tendencies of propane jet diffusion flame under crossflow, Fuel 245 (2019) 247-252.
[35] H. Wan, Z. Gao, J. Ji, J. Fang, Y. Zhang, Experimental study on horizontal gas temperature distribution of two propane diffusion flames impinging on an unconfined ceiling, Int. J. Therm. Sci. 136 (2019) 1-8.
[36] R. Tu, X. Ma, Y. Zeng, X.J. Zhou, L. He, T.Y. Fang, J. Fang, Coupling effects of pressure and inclination on downward flame spread over flexible polyurethane foam board, Build. Environ. 164 (2019).
[37] J. Fang, S. Zheng, J. Wang, K. Wang, H.R. Shah, J. Wang, An analysis of heat feedback effects of different height embedded plates on promotion of pool fire burning using a variable B number, Int. J. Therm. Sci. 145 (2019).
[38] J. Fang, Y. Zhang, X.Y. Huang, Y. Xue, J.W. Wang, S.W. Zhao, X.Z. He, L.Y. Zhao, Dripping and Fire Extinction Limits of Thin Wire: Effect of Pressure and Oxygen, Combust. Sci. Technol., doi:10.1080/00102202.2019.1658578(2019) 1-16.
[39] L.-y. Zhao, J. Fang, X.-z. He, J.-w. Wang, S.-q. Tao, Y.-m. Zhang, An analysis of width effects on flame spread in conjunction with concurrent forced flow using a variable B-number, Combust. Flame 194 (2018) 334-342.
[40] K. Wang, J. Fang, J. Wang, S. Zheng, L. Zhao, J. Guan, Y. Zhang, A Mixture Fraction-Based Model and Axial Thermal Positions for Buoyancy/Momentum-Controlled Jet Diffusion Flames, Combust. Sci. Technol. 192 (2018) 62-77.
[41] J. Wang, J. Fang, J. Guan, Y. Zhang, J. Sun, Effect of crossflow on the air entrainment of propane jet diffusion flames and a modified Froude number, Fuel 233 (2018) 454-460.
[42] J. Ji, Q. Tong, L.Z.L. Wang, C.C. Lin, C. Zhang, Z. Gao, J. Fang, Application of the EnKF method for real-time forecasting of smoke movement during tunnel fires, Advances in Engineering Software 115 (2018) 398-412.
[43] J. Fang, S. Zhao, J. Wang, Y. Xue, X. He, Y. Zhang, Sub-atmospheric bursting ignition of fluorinated ethylene propylene wire insulation, Fire Saf. J. 100 (2018) 45-50.
[44] J. Fang, J. Wang, R. Tu, R. Shang, Y.-m. Zhang, J.-j. Wang, Optical thickness of emissivity for pool fire radiation, Int. J. Therm. Sci. 124 (2018) 338-343.
[45] J. Fang, Y.-R. Meng, J.-W. Wang, L.-Y. Zhao, X.-Z. He, J. Ji, Y.-M. Zhang, Experimental, numerical and theoretical analyses of the ignition of thermally thick PMMA by periodic irradiation, Combust. Flame 197 (2018) 41-48.
[46] J. Fang, X.-z. He, K.-y. Li, J.-w. Wang, Y.-m. Zhang, Transition condition and control mechanism of subatmospheric flame spread rate over horizontal thin paper sample, Combust. Flame 188 (2018) 90-93.
[47] J.W. Wang, J. Fang, S.B. Lin, J.F. Guan, Y.M. Zhang, J.J. Wang, Tilt angle of turbulent jet diffusion flame in crossflow and a global correlation with momentum flux ratio, Proc. Combust. Inst. 36 (2017) 2979-2986.