Prof. James Quintiere学术报告通知

作者:DSSE      来源:DSSE      发布时间:2016-04-21  

美国马里兰大学资深教授James Quintiere将于4月22日(星期五)上午10:00-12:00在实验室做学术报告,请感兴趣的同学积极参加并积极与Prof. James Quintiere交流。 
   Quintiere是第二届国际火灾安全科学学会主席,是马里兰大学资深教授,曾获IAFSS Howard W. Emmons Lecture Award in 1986, the W. Sjolin FORUM Award ( 2002), and the K. Kawagoe Award (2011),著有三本被国际火灾学界公认的高水准著作:Principles of Fire Behavior, Delmar Publishers, 0-8273-7732-0, August1997. 2). Enclosure Fire Dynamics, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, Sept. 1999 (B. Karlsson and J. Quintiere). 3). Fundamentals of Fire Phenomena, John Wiley and Sons, Ltd. (May 2006).


报告题目:Scale Modeling Fire: Design and Investigation 
报 告 人:James Quintiere 


Educated as a mechanical engineer, Professor Quintiere received a B.S.  degree from New Jersey Institute of Technology (1962), and a M.S. (1966) and Ph.D. (1970) from New York University. His career in fire safety began in  1971 when he joined the National Bureau of Standards, now known as the  National Institute of Science and Technology. He left in 1989, as Chief of the Fire Science and Engineering Division, to join the faculty of the Department of Fire Protection Engineering. 
Dr. Quintiere's research in fire has covered a wide range of topics including compartment fire behavior, fire induced flows, fire growth on materials and scale model studies. He has written 130 journal publications, 50 reports, and co-authored or authored three books: 1). Principles of Fire Behavior, Delmar Publishers, 0-8273-7732-0, August 1997. 2). Enclosure Fire Dynamics, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, Sept. 1999 (B. Karlsson and J. Quintiere). 3). Fundamentals of Fire Phenomena, John Wiley and Sons, Ltd. (May 2006). 
Dr. Quintiere served as the Chairman of the K-11 Committee on Fire and Combustion of the Heat Transfer Division of ASME (1986-1989), the Chair of the Working Group on Fire Exposures to Structural Elements, SFPE (2000-2005),  and Chairman of the International Association for Fire Safety Science (IAFSS) from 1991 to 1997. He received the Department of Commerce Bronze Medal (1976) and Silver Medal (1982); Howard W. Emmons Lecture Award in 1986, the W. Sjolin FORUM Award (2002), and the K. Kawagoe Award (2011) from the IAFSS; and the Rasbash Lecture Medal from the Institution of Fire Engineers, UK, June 2008.  He is a Fellow of the Society of Fire Protection Engineering and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. He has been a Visiting Professor at the Technical University of Denmark, University of Science and Technology of China, Tokyo University of Science, University of Ulster, and the University of California – Berkeley. He also has served on many editorial boards of journals related to fire. 


A review of the principles for scale modeling and how it is used in other fields will be presented. It will be explained that scale modeling is an art along with a science as decisions need to be made on ignoring some aspects of the problem. Work will be presented, from experience, to show examples of scale modeling in fire. Fire induced flows can be modeling very well and determined by visualization techniques and measurements. The use of the salt water- fresh water analogy will be emonstrated for fire flows. It will be shown how a water mist extinguishment system could be designed for a large fire from a small scale study. Fire investigation issues involving the failure of an atrium smoke control system, and a simulation of the fire on a floor of the WTC on 9/11 will be presented. The effect of fire on steel structures, and the development of fire with real materials will be illustrated. Visuals, movies, and references will be the primary presentation material; formulas and theory will be light.

