个人履历 中国科学技术大学学术分委员会主任(2000 ~) 国务院政府特殊津贴(2019) 欧盟科学院院士(2018 ~) 中国科学院特聘研究员核心骨干(2016 ~) 火灾实验室能源火灾安全研究所所长(2014 ~) 国家973计划项目首席科学家(2011) 中国科学院优秀“**计划”(2005) 火灾科学国家重点实验室副主任(2004 ~2019) 中国科学技术大学教授(2002 ~) 入选中国科学院“**计划”(2002) 日本学术振兴会Fellow(2000 ~2002) 日本科学技术厅外国人研究员(1999 ~2000) 日本东京大学化学工程专业博士(1999) 研究方向 锂离子电池、氢能、天然气等能源开发利用中的火灾安全 建筑及工业火灾动力学及防控技术方法 危险化学品火灾爆炸事故致灾机理及预测预警 火灾风险评估、火灾风险与保险 主讲课程 热自燃理论及其应用 (课程编号:SE1521101;学时:40;学分:2) | 学位/职称 工学博士 中国科学技术大学教授 博士生导师
办公室电话 (+86)551 63606425 E-mail: sunjh@ustc.edu.cn |
亚澳火灾科学技术学会 终身成就奖(2021)
中国公共安全科学技术学会 一等奖(2021)
中国公路学会科学技术奖 一等奖(2018)
中国消防协会科技创新奖 一等奖(2018)
安徽省教学成果奖 一等奖(2010)
国家科学技术进步奖 二等奖(2006)
安全生产科技成果奖 二等奖(2006)
国家科学技术进步奖 一等奖(1993)
Membership of EU Academy of Science(欧盟科学院院士)(2018~)
亚澳火灾科学技术学会(AOAFST) 副主席(2007 ~2020)
国际火灾安全科学学会(IAFSS)理事(2008 ~2017)
Fire Safety Journal 编委(2014~)
Theoretical & Applied Mechanics Letters 编委(2015~)
Journal of Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Science 编委(2015~)
Fire Science Reviews 编委(2011~2017)
DJ Journal of Engineering Chemistry and Fuel副主编(2016~2018)
中国消防协会建筑防火专业委员会副主任(2008 ~2021)
公安部科学技术奖励评审委员(2016 ~)
中国消防协会学术委员会委员(2017 ~)
科技部国际科技合作计划评价专家(2005 ~)
安徽省安全生产专家组民爆专业组组长(2009 ~)
中国煤炭学会煤矿安全专业委员会委员(2008 ~2014)
中国城市规划学会城市安全与防灾学术委员会委员(2005 ~2013)
Glazing Behavior in a Fire Environment
发表 SCI论文340余篇,其中发表在PECS(IF: 29.34)等影响因子大于10的论文28篇,ESI 0.1%高被引热点论文2篇、1%高被引论文9篇,被Science,Nature Energy等刊物SCI总他引9100余次,出版专著、教材以及工具书的部分章节共10部。
2. Huiqi Cao, Xiaoxi Li, Kaiqiang Jin, Qiangling Duan, Hua Chai, Jinhua Sun, Experimental and theoretical study of the effect of typical halides on thermal decomposition products and energy release of ammonium nitrate based on microcalorimetry and FTIR, Chemical Engineering Journal 410 (2021) 128405
3. Qi Sun, Lin Jiang, Mi Li, Jinhua Sun, Assessment on thermal hazards of reactive chemicals in industry: State of the Art and perspectives, Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 78 (2020) 100832
4. Huiqi Cao, Qiangling Duan, Hua Chai, Xiaoxi Li, Jinhua Sun, Experimental study of the effect of typical halides on pyrolysis of ammonium nitrate using model reconstruction, Journal of Hazardous Materials 384 (2020) 121297
5. Wang Qingsong; Mao Binbin; Stanislav I. Stoliaro; Sun Jinhua; A review of lithium ion battery failure mechanisms and fire prevention strategies, Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 73: 95-131, 2019.
6. Wang Qingsong; Jiang Lihua; Yu Yan; Sun Jinhua; Progress of enhancing the safety of lithium ion battery from the electrolyte aspect, Nano Energy, 55:93-114, 2019.
7. Bian Huiting; Ye Lili; Jiang Lin; Sun Jinhua; Liang Tianshui; Zhong Wei; Zhao Jun; Impact of conformational structures on primary decomposition of cis-1,2-dimethylcyclohexyl isomers: A theoretical study, Combustion and Flame, 205:193-205,2019.
8. Jiang Lin; Zhang Dan; Li Mi; Sun Jinhua; Pyrolytic behavior of waste extruded polystyrene and rigid polyurethane by multi kinetics methods and Py-GC/MS, FUEL: 222: 11-20, 2018.
9. Duan Qiangling; Xiao Huahua; Gong Liang; Sun jinhua; Experimental study on spontaneous ignition and subsequent flame development caused by high-pressure hydrogen release: Coupled effects of tube dimensions and burst pressure, FIRE SAFETY JOURNAL, 98: 38-47, 2018.
10. Jiang Lin; He Jiajia; Sun Jinhua; Sample width and thickness effects on upward flame spread over PMMA surface, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 342:114-120, 2018.
11. Xiao Huahua; Duan Qiangling; Sun Jinhua; Premixed flame propagation in hydrogen explosions, RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS, 81: 1988-2001, 2018.
12. Jin Kaiqiang; Duan Qiangling; Liew K. M.; Sun Jinhua; Experimental study on a comparison of typical premixed combustible gas-air flame propagation in a horizontal rectangular closed duct, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 327: 116-126, 2017.
13. Bian Huiting; Wang Zhandong; Sun Jinhua; Conformational inversion-topomerization mechanism of ethylcyclohexyl isomers and its role in combustion kinetics, PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMBUSTION INSTITUTE, 36: 237-244, 2017.
14. .Jiang Lin; Miller CH.; Gollner MJ.; Sun, Jinhua; Sample width and thickness effects on horizontal flame spread over a thin PMMA surface, PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMBUSTION INSTITUTE, 36: 2987-2994, 2017.
15. Duan Qiangling; Xiao Huahua; Gao Wei; Sun Jinhua; Experimental investigation of spontaneous ignition and flame propagation at pressurized hydrogen release through tubes with varying cross-section, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 320: 18-26, 2016.
16. Gong Liang; Duan Qiangling; Jiang Lin; Sun Jinhua; Experimental study on flow characteristics and spontaneous ignition produced by pressurized hydrogen release through an Omega-shaped tube into atmosphere, FUEL, 184:770-779, 2016.
17. Duan Qiangling; Xiao Huahua; Gao Wei; Sun Jinhua; Experimental study on spontaneous ignition and flame propagation of high-pressure hydrogen release via a tube into air , FUEL, 181: 811-819, 2016.
18. Jiang Lin; Xiao Huahua; He Jiajia; Sun Jinhua; Application of genetic algorithm to pyrolysis of typical polymers, FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY, 38: 48-55, 2015.
19. Ping Ping; Wang Qingsong; Huang Peifeng; Sun Jinhua; Thermal behaviour analysis of lithium-ion battery at elevated temperature using deconvolution method, Applied Energy, 129: 261-273, 2014.
20. Xiao Huahua; Wang Qingsong; Shen Xiaobo; Sun Jinhua; An experimental study of premixed hydrogen/air flame propagation in a partially open duct, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 39(11): 6233-6241, 2014.
21. Xiao Huahua; Sun Jinhua; Chen Peng; Experimental and numerical study of premixed hydrogen/air flame propagating in a combustion chamber, JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, 268:132-139, 2014.
22. Wang Qingsong; Chen Haodong; Wang Yu; Sun jinhua; Development of a dynamic model for crack propagation in glazing system under thermal loading, FIRE SAFETY JOURNAL, 63: 113-124, 2014.
23. Xiao Huahua; He Xuechao; Wang Qingsong; Sun Jinhua; Experimental and numerical study of premixed flame propagation in a closed duct with a 90 degrees curved section , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER, 66: 818-822, 2013.
24. Xiao Huahua; An Weiguang; Duan Qiangling, Sun Jinhua; Dynamics of premixed hydrogen/air flame in a closed combustion vessel, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 38( 29): 12856-12864, 2013.
25. Xiao Huahua; Wang Qingsong; Shen Xiaobo, Sun Jinhua; An experimental study of distorted tulip flame formation in a closed duct , COMBUSTION AND FLAME, 160( 9): 1725-1728, 2013.
26. Wang Jinghong; Lo Siuming; Wang Qingsong, Sun Jinhua; Risk of Large-Scale Evacuation Based on the Effectiveness of Rescue Strategies Under Different Crowd Densities , RISK ANALYSIS, 33(8): 1553-1563, 2013.
27. Zhang Yin, Sun, Jinhua, Huang, Xinjie et al. Heat transfer mechanisms in horizontal flame spread over wood and extruded polystyrene surfaces , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER, 61: 28-34, 2013.
28. Wang Qingsong; Ping Ping; Zhao Xuejuan; Chu Guanquan; Sun Jinhua; Chen Cunhua,Thermal runaway caused fire and explosion of lithium ion battery,JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES ,208: 210-224,2012.
29. Huahua Xiao; D. Makarov; Jinhua Sun; V. Molkov; Experimental and numerical investigation of premixed flame propagation with distorted tulip shape in a closed duct. Combustion and Flame, 159: 1523-1538, 2012.
30. Ying Zhang, Jinhua Sun, Jie Ji, Qingsong Wang, Xinjie Huang,Effects of altitude and sample width on the characteristics of horizontal flame spread over wood sheets, Fire Safety Journal, 51:120-125, 2012.
31. Ying Zhang; Jie Ji; Qingsong Wang; XinJie Huang; JinHua Sun; Prediction of the critical condition for flame acceleration over wood surface with different sample orientations,Combustion and Flame, 159:2999-3002, 2012.
32. Huahua Xiao; Xiaobo Shen; Jinhua Sun; Experimental study and three-dimensional simulation of premixed hydrogen/air flame propagation in a closed duct, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 37(15): 11466-11473, 2012.
33. Xiaobo Shen; Xuahua Xiao; Jinhua Sun; Experimental study on the characteristic stages of premixed hydrogen-air flame propagation in a horizontal rectangular closed duct, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 37(16): 12028-12038, 2012.
34. Ping Ping; Wang Qingsong; Sun Jinhua; Feng X.; Chen Chunhua; Effect of sulfites on the performance of LiBOB/gamma-butyrolactone electrolytes. Journal of Power Sources, 196: 776-783, 2011.
35. Wang Qingsong; Ping Ping; Sun Jinhua; Chen Chunhua; Cresyl diphenyl phosphate effect on the thermal stabilities and electrochemical performances of electrodes in lithium ion battery. Journal of Power Sources, 196: 5960-5965. 2011.
36. Xiao Huahua; Wang Qingsong; He Xuechao; Sun Jinhua; Shen Xiaobo; Experimental study on the behaviors and shape changes of premixed hydrogen-air flames propagating in horizontal duct. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 36: 6325-6336. 2011.
37. Zhang Ying; Huang Xingjie; Wang Qingsong; Ji Jjie, Sun, Jinhua, Yin Yi, Experimental study on the characteristics of horizontal flame spread over XPS surface on plateau. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 189: 34-39. 2011