个人履历 德国Wuppertal大学土木工程专业博士(2012) 德国于利希研究中心博士后(2012-2016) 中国科学技术大学特任教授 (2017-2021) 中国科学技术大学教授(2021至今) 入选中组部国家高层次人才计划(2016) 行人交通动力学分析 人员安全疏散与疏导 灾害应急能力评估 虚拟现实技术应用
主讲课程 课程名称:建筑防火设计 (课程编号:232087.01;学时:40;学分2)
学术任职 International Conference on Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics 学术委员会成员(2018-) Collective Dynamics编委(2019-) 国际火灾安全科学学会(IAFSS)会员 国家自然科学基金委员会通信评审专家(2021-) 安徽省非线性科学学会第四届理事会理事(2021-2026) | 学位/职称 工学博士学位 中国科学技术大学教授 博士生导师
办公室电话 (+86)551 63606419 E-mail: junz@ustc.edu.cn |
安徽省自然科学基金, 主持,执行期:2018~2020
Selected Journal publications (* Corresponding author)
1. Yanghui Hu, Jun Zhang*, Hanyi Xiao, Shuchao Cao, Xiangxia Ren, Xuanwen Liang, Hongliu Li and Weiguo Song. 2020. Experimental study and analysis on behaviours and strategies of social groups and individuals, Safety Science, 127: 104736.
2. Hongliang Pan, Jun Zhang* and Weiguo Song. 2020. Experimental study of pedestrian flow mixed with wheelchair users through funnel-shaped bottlenecks, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2020: 033401.
3. Hongliu Li, Jun Zhang*, Libing Yang, Weiguo Song and Kwok Kit Richard Yuen.2020. A comparative study on the bottleneck flow between preschool children and adults under different movement motivations. Safety science, 121, 30-41.
4. Hongliu Li, Jun Zhang*, Weiguo Song and Kwok Kit Richard Yuen. 2020. A comparative study on the bottleneck pedestrian flow under different movement motivations, Fire Safety Journal: 103014.
5. Hongliu Li, Jun Zhang*, Long Xia, Weiguo Song and Nikolai W F Bode. 2019. Comparing the route-choice behavior of pedestrians around obstacles in a virtual experiment and a field study, Transportation Research Part C-emerging Technologies, 107: 120-36.
6. Yanghui Hu, Jun Zhang* and Weiguo Song. 2019. Experimental study on the movement strategies of individuals in multidirectional flows, Physica A-statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 534: 122046.
7. Xuedan Zhao, Long Xia, Jun Zhang* and Weiguo Song. 2019. Artificial neural network based modeling on unidirectional and bidirectional pedestrian flow at straight corridors, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications: 123825.
8. Xiangxia Ren, Jun Zhang*, Shuchao Cao and Weiguo Song. 2019. Experimental study on elderly pedestrians passing through bottlenecks, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2019: 123204.
9. Xiangxia Ren, Jun Zhang* and Weiguo Song. 2019. Contrastive study on the single-file pedestrian movement of the elderly and other age groups, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2019: 093402.
10. Xiangxia Ren, Jun Zhang*, Weiguo Song and Shuchao Cao. 2019. The fundamental diagrams of elderly pedestrian flow in straight corridors under different densities, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2019: 023403.
11. Hanyi Xiao, Qiao Wang, Jun Zhang* and Weiguo Song*. 2019. Experimental study on the single-file movement of mice, Physica A-statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 524: 676-86.
12. Jun Zhang*, Qiao Wang, Yanghui Hu, Shuchao Cao, Long Xia and Weiguo Song. 2018. The effect of a directional split flow ratio on bidirectional pedestrian streams at signalized crosswalks, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2018: 073408.
13. Chi Liu, Rui Ye, Liping Lian, Weiguo Song*, Jun Zhang* and Siuming Lo. 2018. A least-effort principle based model for heterogeneous pedestrian flow considering overtaking behavior, Physics Letters A, 382: 1324-34.
14. Shuchao Cao, Jun Zhang*, Weiguo Song, Changan Shiand Ruifang Zhang. 2018. The stepping behavior analysis of pedestrians from different age groups via a single-file experiment, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2018: 033402.
15. Shuchao Cao, Jun Zhang*, Daniel Salden, Jian Ma, Changan Shi and Ruifang Zhang. 2016. Pedestrian dynamics in single-file movement of crowd with different age compositions, Physical Review E, 94: 012312-12.
16. Jun Zhang*, Wolfgang Mehner, Stefan Holl, Maik Boltes, Erik Andresenandreas Schadschneiderand Armin Seyfried. 2014. Universal flow-density relation of single-file bicycle, pedestrian and car motion, Physics Letters A, 378: 3274-77.
17. Jun Zhang* and Armin Seyfried. 2014. Comparison of intersecting pedestrian flows based on experiments, Physica A-statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 405: 316-25.
18. Jun Zhang*, Klingsch, Wolfram, Schadschneider andreas, Seyfried, Armin. 2012. Ordering in bidirectional pedestrian flows and its influence on the fundamental diagram, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2012: 02002.
19. Jun Zhang*, Wolfram Klingsch andreas Schadschneider and Armin Seyfried. 2011. Transitions in pedestrian fundamental diagrams of straight corridors and T-junctions, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2011: 06004.
20. Jun Zhang, Weiguo Song* and Xuan Xu. 2008. Experiment and multi-grid modeling of evacuation from a classroom, Physica A-statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 387: 5901-09.