个人履历 中国矿业大学安全工程工学学士 (2016) 中国科学技术大学安全科学与工程工学博士(2021) 中国科学技术大学博士后研究员 (2021-2023) 中国科学技术大学特任副研究员(2023-2025) 中国科学技术大学副教授(2025-)
研究方向 腔室火灾动力学 建筑外立面开口火溢流
个人获奖 博士后创新人才支持计划资助(2021) 中国科学院院长优秀奖(2021) 中国科学技术大学优秀毕业生(2021) 中国科学技术大学优秀博士论文获得者(2021) 中国职业健康安全协会科学技术奖一等奖,排名12/15,(2020) 国家公派联合培养博士生项目资助(2019) 博士研究生国家奖学金(2019) 中国科学技术大学智造顺德奖学金(2018) Combustion Institute Travel Grant,37届国际燃烧会议资助(2018) 学术任职 国际火灾安全科学学会(IAFSS))终身会员(2018-) |
学位/职称 工学博士 中国科学技术大学副教授 硕士生导师
办公室电话 (+86)551 63602353 E-mail:sxp@ustc.edu.cn
[1] Xiepeng Sun, Longhua Hu*, Xiaolei Zhang, Fei Ren, Yong Yang, Xiang Fang, Experimental study on flame pulsation behavior of external venting facade fire ejected from opening of a compartment, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 38 (2021) 4485-4493.
[2] Xiepeng Sun, Longhua Hu*, Xiaolei Zhang, Yong Yang, Fei Ren, Xiang Fang, Keke Wang, Hongyu Lu, Temperature evolution and external flame height through the opening of fire compartment: Scale effect on heat/mass transfer and revisited models, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 164 (2021) 106849.
[3] Xiepeng Sun, Longhua Hu*, Xiaolei Zhang, Fei Ren, Yong Yang, Xiang Fang, Bart Merci, Flame behavior from opening of a compartment with ambient back-roof wind passing through the roof: Experiments and similarity analysis, Combustion and Flame, 220 (2020) 312-327.
[4] Xiepeng Sun, Longhua Hu*, Xiaolei Zhang, Yong Yang, Fei Ren, Xiang Fang, Keke Wang, Experimental study of flame extinction with fuel diffusion combustion inside a wall-opening compartment under reduced ventilation conditions, Fuel, 289 (2020) 119781.
[5] Xiepeng Sun, Longhua Hu*, Yong Yang, Fei Ren, Xiang Fang, Evolutions of gas temperature inside fire compartment and external facade flame height with a casement window, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 381 (2020) 120913.
[6] Xiepeng Sun, Longhua Hu*, Xiaolei Zhang, Fei Ren, Experimental study on evolution of compartment fire and facade flame through an opening with the fire source attached to a backwall at different elevations, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 37 (2019) 3919-3926.
[7] Xiepeng Sun, Xiaolei Zhang, Longhua Hu*, Kazunori Kuwana, Temperature evolution and transition inside fire compartment with an opening subject to external sideward wind, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 37 (2019) 3869-3877.
[8] Xiepeng Sun, Longhua Hu*, Fei Ren, Kaizhi Hu, Flame height and temperature profile of window ejected thermal plume from compartment fire without facade wall, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 127 (2018) 53-60.
[1] [发明专利]中国科学技术大学.一种耦合机械通风的房间-走廊开口火溢流模拟实验装置,孙协鹏,胡隆华,任飞,胡开智:中国,CN 201710057019.3 [P]. 2017-01-22.(实质审查中,第一发明人)
[2] [发明专利]中国科学技术大学.一种环境风作用下高层建筑立体火行为模拟实验装置, 任飞,胡隆华,孙协鹏,邝辰,陆勇,尚峰举,张晓磊:中国,CN201610874967.1 [P]. 2016-12-14.(实质审查中,第三发明人)
[3] [发明专利]中国科学技术大学.一种环境风作用下固体燃料变角度火灾蔓延实验装置, 朱楠,胡隆华,张晓磊,孙协鹏,熊涵予,任飞:中国, CN201910794992.2 [P]. 2019-12-06.(第四发明人)