个人履历 中国科学技术大学安全科学与工程专业博士(2013) 合肥工业大学讲师(2013-2015) 合肥工业大学副教授(2015-2018) 英国华威大学(The University of Warwick)欧盟玛丽居里学者(2016-2018) 合肥工业大学教授(2019-2020) 中国科学技术大学特任研究员(2021-2025) 入选中国科学院人才计划B类(2021) 获安徽省杰出青年基金(2022) 中国科学技术大学研究员(2025-)
研究方向 建筑火灾动力学 隧道与地下空间火灾防治 燃油/燃气能源火灾 火灾态势预测(AI) 交通安全 主讲课程 火灾安全工程技术前沿 (课程编号:SAFE6401P.01;学时:2;学分:40) 火灾控制技术基础 (课程编号:232085.01;学时:3;学分:60) 建筑火灾安全工程 (课程编号:232088.01;学时:2;学分:40) 个人获奖 首届公共安全科学技术学会青年科技奖(2021) 中国安全生产协会第三届安全科技进步奖一等奖(2022) 中国职业安全健康协会科学技术奖一等奖(2020) World’s Top 2% Scientists 2020, 斯坦福大学 安徽省教学成果三等奖(2019) Best poster award, 11th Asia-Oceania Association for Fire Science and Technology. (2018) 安徽省教学成果一等奖(2017) 安徽省教学成果三等奖(2017) 全国建筑防灾技术交流会优秀论文一等奖(2017) 欧盟玛丽•居里学者(2016) 中国建筑学会科学进步奖二等奖(2014) | 学位/职称 工学博士 中国科学技术大学研究员 博士生导师
办公室电话 (+86)551 63600993 E-mail:ftang@ustc.edu.cn
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology期刊客座编辑(2020-2021)
以第一作者/通讯作者在Progress in Energy and Combustion Science、Combustion and Flame、Proceedings of the Combustion Institute、International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer、Energy、Fire Safety Journal和Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology等本领域著名期刊上发表SCI学术论文70余篇【截止到2023年1月】,出版学术专著2部。
[1] Xiepeng Sun, Fei Tang*, Kaihua Lu, Fei Ren, Congling Shi, Bart Merci, Longhua Hu*, Fundamentals of window-ejected fire plumes from under-ventilated compartment fires: Recent progresses and perspectives, Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 94 (2023) 101039.
[2] Fei Tang*, Lei Deng, Qing He, Jianping Zhang*, Mass burning rate and merging behaviour of double liquid pool fires under cross winds, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 39 (2022) DOI: 10.1016/j.proci.2022.09.032.
[3] Yuhang Chen, Kazui Fukumoto, Xiaolei Zhang, Yujie Lin, Fei Tang*, Longhua Hu*, Study of elevated- and ground pool fire flame horizontal lengths in cross airflows: Air entrainment change due to Coandă effect, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 39 (2022) DOI: 10.1016/j.proci.2022.09.038.
[4] Congling Shi, Lei Deng, Fei Ren, Fei Tang*, Experimental study on the flame height evolution of two adjacent hydrocarbon pool fires under transverse air flow, Energy, 262 (2023) 125520.
[5] Lei Deng, Fei Tang*, Peng Hu, Physical modeling and machine learning of ceiling maximum temperature rise induced by tandem heat sources with unequal heat release rates in a natural ventilation tunnel, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 197 (2022) 123333.
[6] Fei Tang, Xinyu Peng, Adriana Palacios, Flame characteristics and heat flux profile of a tank surface caused by horizontal gas leak jet fire impingement, Fire Safety Journal, 134 (2022) 103709.
[7] Xiaochun Zhang, Linjie Chen, Junhao Jiang, Yixin Ji, Shuyang Han, Ting Zhu, Wenbin Xu, Fei Tang*, Risk analysis of people evacuation and its path optimization during tunnel fires using virtual reality experiments, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 137(2023) 105133.
[8] Lei Deng, Congling Shi, Haoran Li, Mei Wan, Fei Ren, Yanan Hou, Fei Tang*, Prediction of energy mass loss rate for biodiesel fire via machine learning and its physical modeling of flame radiation evolution, Energy, 275 (2023) 127388.
[9] Fei Tang, Peng Hu, Qing He, Jianping Zhang, Jennifer Wen, Effect of sidewall on the flame extension characteristics beneath a ceiling induced by carriage fire in a channel, Combustion and Flame, 223(2021)202-215.
[10] Fei Tang, Peng Hu, Congling Shi, Ceiling thermal impingement spread characteristics induced by wall-attached fires under various sub-atmospheric pressures, Energy, 215(2021) 119127.
[11] Fei Tang, Lei Deng, Lei Chen, Qiang Wang, Effects of burner aspect ratio on heat flux distributions beneath unconfined ceilings with different inclination angles, Combustion and Flame, 228(2021)99-106.
[12] Fei Tang, Peng Hu, Jianping Zhang, Jennifer Wen, Heat fluxes under the ceiling induced by wall fires with various burner aspect ratios in a channel, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 38 (2021) 4569–4577
[13] Fei Tang, Qing He, Xiepeng Sun, Lin Jiang, Peng Hu, Longhua Hu, Experimental study of carriage fire in a tunnel: Evolution of flame geometry characteristics under relative strong crosswinds, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 38 (2021) 4963–4970
[14] Fei Tang, Yuantao Zhu, Lei Chen, Xiepeng Sun, Margaret McNamee, Patrick Van Hees, Longhua Hu, Experimental study and analysis of radiation heat fluxes received by a floor beneath an inclined ceiling, Fire and Materials, 45(2)(2021)205-214.
[15] Lei Deng, Fei Tang*, Xinkai Wang, Uncontrollable combustion characteristics of energy storage oil pool: Modelling of mass loss rate and flame merging time of annular pools, Energy, 224 (2021) 120181.
[16] Fei Tang, Peng Hu, Jennifer Wen; Experimental investigation on lateral ceiling temperature distribution induced by wall-attached fire with various burner aspect ratios in underground space, Fire Safety Journal. 120 (2021) 103055.
[17] Fei Tang, Lei Deng, Na Meng, Margaret Mcnamee, Patrick Van Hees, Longhua Hu, Critical longitudinal ventilation velocity for smoke control in a tunnel induced by two nearby fires of various distances: Experiments and a revisited model, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 105(2020) 103559.
[18] Qiang Wang, Jin Yan, Liming Shi, Fei Tang*, An experimental investigation on oscillating length scale of gas pipeline leakage flame restricted by parallel sidewalls, Combustion and Flame, 215(2020)252-258.
[19] Fei Tang, Kun Zhao, Zunxin Zhao, Experimental investigation on carriage fires hazards in the longitudinal ventilated tunnels: Assessment of the smoke stratification features, Safety Science, 130(2020)104901.
[20] Tong Xu, Fei Tang*,Predicting the vertical buoyant spill-plume temperature along building facade with an external sloping facing wall, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 152(2020)106307.
[21] Yuantao Zhu, Fei Tang*, Lei Chen, Qiang Wang, Xiaoming Xu, Effect of lateral concentrated smoke extraction on the smoke back-layering length and critical velocity in a longitudinal ventilation tunnel, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 207(2020) 104403.
[22] Lei Chen, Fei Tang*, Huanping Pang, Ceiling heat flux and downward received radiation heat flux induced by weak and relative strong fire plume in ventilation tunnels, Applied Thermal Engineering, 169(2020)114924.
[23] Fei Tang, Qing He, Jennifer Wen, Effects of crosswind and burner aspect ratio on flame characteristics and flame base drag length of diffusion flames, Combustion and Flame, 200(2019)265-275.
[24] Qiang Wang, Fei Tang*, Huan Liu, Zheng Zhou, Adriana Palacios, Experimental investigation on the effect of a reduced pressure on the combustion characteristics and flame height of gaseous fuel jets in parallel sidewalls, Energy & Fuels, 32 (2)(2018)2490-2496.
[25] Fei Tang, Zhilei Cao, Adriana Palacios, Qiang Wang, A study on the maximum temperature of ceiling jet induced by rectangular-source fires in a tunnel using ceiling smoke extraction, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 127(2018)329-334.
[26] Changfa Tao, Yongqiang Liu, Fei Tang*, Qiang Wang, An experimental investigation of the flame height and air entrainment of ring pool fire, Fuel, 216(2018)734-737.
[27] Fei Tang, Lianjian Li, Mansheng Dong, Qiang Wang, Fengzhu Mei, Longhua Hu, Characterization of buoyant flow stratification behaviors by Richardson (Froude) number in a tunnel fire with complex combination of longitudinal ventilation and ceiling extraction, Applied Thermal Engineering, 110(2017)1021-1028.
[28] F. Tang, Z.L. Cao , Q. Chen , N. Meng, Q. Wang, C.G. Fan, Effect of blockage-heat source distance on maximum temperature of buoyancy-induced smoke flow beneath ceiling in a longitudinal ventilated tunnel, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 109 (2017) 683–688.
[29] Fei Tang, Fengzhu Mei, Qiang Wang, Zhen He, Chuangang Fan, Chanfa Tao, Maximum temperature beneath the ceiling in tunnel fires with combination of ceiling mechanical smoke extraction and longitudinal ventilation, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 68 (2017) 231–237.
[30] Fei Tang, Qing He, Qin Shi, Experimental study on thermal smoke layer thickness with various upstream blockage–fire distances in a longitudinal ventilated tunnel, Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics 170 (2017) 141–148.
[31] Qiang Wang, Fei Tang*, Zheng Zhou, Huan Liu, Adriana Palacios, Flame height of axisymmetric gaseous fuel jets restricted by parallel sidewalls: Experiments and theoretical analysis, Applied Energy, 208(2017)1519-1526.
[32] Fei Tang, Lianjian Li, Qiang Wang, Qin Shi, Effect of cross-wind on near-wall buoyant turbulent diffusion flame length and tilt, Fuel 186 (2016) 350–357.
[33] Fei Tang, Longhua Hu, Xiaochun Zhang, Xiaolei Zhang, Mansheng Dong, Burning rate and flame tilt characteristics of radiation-controlled rectangular hydrocarbon pool fires with cross air flows in a reduced pressure, Fuel, 139(2015)18-25.
[34] Fei Tang, Kongjin Zhu, Mansheng Dong, Qing Shi, Mean flame height and radiative heat flux characteristic of medium scale rectangular thermal buoyancy source with different aspect ratios in a sub-atmospheric pressure, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 84(2015)427-432.
[35] Fei Tang, Longhua Hu, Zengwei Qiu, Xiaochun Zhang,Kaihua Lu, Window ejected flame height and heat flux along facade with air entrainment constraint by a sloping facing wall, Fire Safety Journal, 71(2015) 248-256.
[36] Fei Tang, Longhua Hu, Kaihua Lu, Xiaochun Zhang, Qin Shi, Heat flux profile upon building facade due to ejected thermal plume from window in a sub-atmospheric pressure at high altitude. Energy and Buildings, 92(2015)331-337.
[37] Fei Tang, Lianjian Li, Kongjing Zhu, Zengwei Qiu, Changfa Tao, Experimental study and global correlation on burning rates and flame tilt characteristics of acetone pool fires under cross air flow, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 87(2015)369-375.
[38] Fei Tang, Longhua Hu, Qiang Wang, Kaihua Lu, Lizhong Yang, A global model of plume axial temperature profile transition from axisymmetric to line-source pool fires in normal and reduced pressures, Fuel. 130(2014)211–214.
[39] Fei Tang, Longhua Hu, Lizhong Yang, Zengwei Qiu. Longitudinal distributions of CO concentration and temperature in buoyant tunnel fire smoke flow in a reduced pressure atmosphere with lower air entrainment at high altitude, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 75(2014)130–134.
[40] Fei Tang, Longhua Hu, Michael Delichatsios, KaihuaLu, Experimental study on flame height and temperature profile of window spill thermal plume for compartment fires. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 55 (2012) 93-101.